By James Yeo //
April 27, 2018
By James Yeo //
April 27, 2018

Now, this article is not about impact investing* or how you going to make a lot of great wealth.

*Impact investing refers to investments “made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.”

Instead, today i decided to take a spin on how you can feel good when you use your “riches” to help other dis-advantaged people.

1. Support the Book Launch of Cathie Chew, an experienced insurance practitioner turned into ‘reverse’ insurance claims’ specialist.

— NO, this is not a sponsored post. Just sharing for the Greater Good —

I got to know Cathie through the Seedly FB Group, where many people come together to address their financial concerns. What started off as a few hundred people exploded into a 10,000 strong group today and everyday, we help each other to make smarter financial decisions together.

Anyway, going back to the topic… she is doing this book launch for a social cause & 100% of the book proceeds will go to Charity! I decided to show my support by posting it here so that anyone who sees this post can go do your part for Society if you are keen.

Oh and her website is Comes with both english and chinese versions in the E-store (!

2. Can you save lives without money? Yes you can! By donating blood!

My wife has all along been pushing me to donate blood ever since we were married. While i know that its a good deed, i never really got around to it as i am a tiny weeny scared of lying down there with the needle poked inside me for a long time.

Guess what?! My myths were totally debunked!

No doubt, I took a long time (1 hour) for the registration, testing of blood (slight prick to the finger) and waiting time.

However, i only spent around 10 minutes for the blood donation (on the chair). Besides, i am on anesthesia for my arm so i don’t feel any pain during the blood donation. Its only the part where the anesthesia is applied that i felt a bit of pain.

See my fat left arm in bandage below…

Sipping the H-TWO-O and nibbling on the Khong Guan biscuits after the blood donation, i felt a great sense of achievement. It’s something that transcends money.

It’s like this story where the stranger helps out struggling mum without expecting any return, because another stranger has helped out his wife before.

Ending Note

I will end this article on a short note and with 3 touching video links i watched before. Enjoy and grab that tissue box before you start…

Being Rich is not about how much you have, but how much you give! So start giving today!

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