By Augustine //
February 25, 2025
By Augustine //
February 25, 2025

The REIT sector has been in the doldrums for the past 2 years mainly due to persistent high treasury bond yield. Since the high of 852 points in Jan 2022, the FTSE REIT index has remained depressed and now is at 635 points.

It certainly is a bear market for REITs. However, most investors are unfazed and refused to accept reality and still view REITs as an reliable source of income. Hence, in this article, I will mentioned 4 Singapore REITs that gives you dividends for life.

Frasers Centrepoint Trust

FCT reported its 1Q25 business update on 22 Jan 2025.

Portfolio occupancy remained very high at 99.5%. Shopper traffic was 2.7% YoY while tenants’ sales was up 2.5%. Gearing ratio remained below 40% at 39.3% with average cost of debt at 4.0%. Interest coverage ratio was at 3.33 times. 65.5% of debts was hedged at fixed interest rates.

No dividend was declared as FCT pay out dividend twice yearly. As suburban malls is considered resilient even if there was an economic slowdown, FCT is well-positioned to deliver stable growth and healthy performance and should be considered as one of the 4 Singapore REITs that gives you dividends for life.

You can view the REIT website here.

Parkway Life REIT

PLife REIT announced its results on 5 Feb 2025.

Parkway Life REIT

Parkway Life REIT reported gross revenue down 1.5% to S$145.2 million. Net property income was down 1.8% to S$136.6 million. Full year DPU was up 1.0% to 14.92 cents. However, please note that 2H 2024 DPU was down 1.3% to 7.38 cents due to the equity fund raising exercise.

Gearing ratio is still low at 34.8% with cost of debt at 1.48%. Interest cover is very high at 9.8 times. Given the resiliency of its portfolio, PLife REIT should be one of the 4 Singapore REITs that gives you dividends for life. You can view the REIT website here.


Aims Apac REIT announced its business update on 28 Jan 2025.

Aims Apac REIT busines update

For 9M FY2025, Aims Apac REIT reported revenue was up 5.7% to S$139.1 million while net property income is up 1.9% to S$99.6 million. DPU was up 1.1% to 7.07 cents for 9M FY2025.

Portfolio occupancy is at 94.5% with weighted average lease expiry of 4.7%. Rental reversion is very high at positive 21.2%. Gearing ratio remains low at 33.7% with fixed 70% of borrowings on fixed rates.

Given Aims Apac track record of giving consistent and stable DPU, it should be one of the 4 Singapore REITs that gives you dividends for life. You can view the REIT website here.

CapitaLand Ascendas REIT

CLAR announced its full year results on 6 Feb 2025.

CapitaLand Ascendas REIT

CLAR reported full year revenue is up 2.9% to S$1,523.0 million. Net property income was up 2.6% to S$1,049.9 million. DPU for full year was up 0.3% to 15.20 cents. This is mainly due to higher NPI with contribution from its acquisition of 1 Buroh Lane, The Shugart and The Chess Building (UK) in 2023.

Gearing ratio is at 37.7% with well-spread debt maturity. Interest cover is at 3.6x with 82.7% of debts on fixed rates. With CLAR well-diversified portfolio and stable DPU, it should be one of the 4 Singapore REITs that gives you dividends for life.

Given the economic uncertainty due to Trump tariffs, investors should monitor the economic situation closely before investing in REITs. If a recession were to hit Singapore, DPU of most REITs will get hit.

Disclaimer: Please note that the REITs mentioned in this article are not a financial recommendation to buy and investors need to do their own research and due diligence before investing in any of these REITs.

About the author Augustine

Augustine is passionate about investing especially REITs and small cap stocks. He is also a Chinese Metaphysics enthusiast. He is a guest blogger at Small Caps Asia and also a freelance Metaphysics Consultant. He has given consults to many people around the world.

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